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Our Story

Te Ao Mārama Aotearoa Trust (TAMA Trust) is an independent entity and charitable trust that has grown from the Te Ao Mārama Disability Advisory Group.  TAMA Trust is recognised by Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health as the natural successor to the relationship established between the Ministry and TAMA Trust in representing the interests of tangata whaikaha Māori and their whānau. 

TAMA is a uniquely Te Ao Māori organisation that provides multiple opportunities for a very diverse community of tāngata whaikaha Māori and their whanau to engage with Crown entities for the purposes of providing advice and informing policy design. TAMA is pan-iwi and pan-impairment representing the views and voices of one of the most underrepresented communities in Aotearoa.


 Tangata whaikaha Māori and their whānau are the beneficiaries of our work, whom we can best serve by working closely with “crown entities“.

The TAMA Trust Board is made up of representatives across the tangata whaikaha Māori hapori who work with whānau, hapū and iwi leadership, crown agencies and the disability sector. 

Our Purpose

TAMA is dedicated to providing advice and informing policy design to a wide variety of diverse tangata whaikaha Māori, whānau and communities as well as the Crown. We achieve this by;

· Promoting the rights and interests, to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, of tāngata whaikaha Māori and their whānau

· Ensuring achievement of Pae Ora for tangata whaikaha Māori through contributing to excellent system design, implementation, data collection, and performance monitoring

· Supporting and promoting tāngata whaikaha Māori participation and engagement in decisions relevant to tangata whaikaha Māori and their whānau

· Promoting an inclusive society that upholds Māori disability rights in alignment with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the UNDRIP and UNCRPD

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